Sauteed Zucchini recipe

Sauteed Zucchini Recipe : Best simple & quick Sautéed Zucchini Recipe under 10-12 minutes

My dear friends, today we will learn how to make a sautéed zucchini recipe. So friends, first of all, let me tell you that zucchini is also known as courgette in French. So you can also call it the Sautéed Courgette recipe.

Zucchini (courgette) plays a very important role in making this recipe. We can make many types of recipes from zucchini.

Such as: fried zucchini recipe, roasted zucchini recipe, grilled zucchini recipe, stuffed zucchini recipe, chicken zucchini recipe, sautéed zucchini recipe, squash and zucchini recipe, baked zucchini recipe, squash zucchini recipe, zucchini pasta recipe, etc.

To make this recipe, we will need some ingredients and some important things so that we can make a delicious sautéed zucchini recipe.

Easy & Quick Healthy Side Dish Sautéed Zucchini Recipe: Key Ingredients

To make the sautéed zucchini recipe, you will need the main ingredients. Zucchini, butter, garlic, olive oil, sea salt, black pepper, and parsley.

Sauteed zucchini recipe


How to Make the Best Simple Sauteed Zucchini Recipe

Below you are told about making the recipe, which you can follow step by step and make a good recipe.

First of all, you will take a garlic clove and cut three or four cloves of it into small pieces. After that, take one or two zucchini. Divide it into small pieces as per your wish. After that, take one spoon of butter and oil. After that, take one-fourth spoon of salt and one-eighth part of black pepper. And take some parsley.

Also read:- zucchini bread recipe

Now you have the necessary ingredients ready so that you can make the sautéed zucchini recipe.

Sauteed Zucchini recipe

To make the sautéed zucchini recipe, follow the step-by-step.

  • Olive Oil: First of all, you will take a frying pan and put a spoon of oil in it. Leave the oil to heat up.
  • Zucchini: When the oil is hot, put the chopped zucchini in the frying pan. And cook it well for 5-6 minutes. When it is cooked well, make a space in the middle of the frying pan.
  • Butter: And we will melt the butter in it. When the butter melts, we will add the garlic cloves.
  • Garlic: When the garlic cloves and butter become hot, we will mix it in the zucchini. After that, we will leave it for 1 minute.
  • Sea salt: After that, we will add salt.
  • Black pepper: When the salt is mixed well, after 1 minute we will add black pepper.
  • Parsley: Then we’ll add parsley all over the top if we want.

Now our sautéed zucchini recipe is ready, which took us about 10 to 12 minutes to prepare.

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